Thursday 30 April 2015

Thinking Thursday

Today team 18 worked on our scripts. Today we had library and picked good fit books. We did our science research. Finish your math homework. Review dress code with parents. We have earned a lot of reward time for Friday. On Monday it is music Monday.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Wednesday's thoughts

 Today team 18 did some research for our science slogans. Mrs. Turner taught us about bullying. We have library. We worked on our scripts.Mr. Blake read a book about bullying and conflict. We had daily 4.Volunteer Tea is on friday May 8th at 9:15 am choir will be performing.  

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Tuesday's Thoughts

Team 18 learned more about Fur Trade.We had out door gym. Today we played a new game called Prodigy. Team 18 had 1 round of daily 5. Room 18   had art. Today we did math review. We also changed our goal. Homework is finish all math sheets. You can play the game at prodigy

Written by Tiffany, Skylar and Room 18

Monday 27 April 2015

Monday's thoughts

Team 18 had music. We also had gym outside. Team 18 learned that a slogan is a short memorable phrase used in advertising. We are also doing a science project where we have to think of a catchy slogan that has to do with global warming , deforestation or fossil fuels.

Written by: Skylar John and Team 18

Thursday 23 April 2015

Fun Thursday!!!

Today we had an awesome music class. Team 18 had to clean their desks. Room 18 earned 15 minutes of their free time.We had two rounds of daily 4. Team 18 also had sharing circle. Homework is to find out what the Slogan is and make a list of different Slogan. 

Written by Tiffany, Jorja and Team 18

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Today it was Lights Off Canada. We learned that 9 out of 10 of the hottest years on recored have occurred since 2000. We also learned that in the next century sea level is expected to rise by 1 metre. Team 18 had library and picked out good fit books. We also had our last stretch club today and Mr. Blake joined us. Today we worked on our scripts. We had a money math problem. We had our second bus rider leadership. Today we had daily 4.We  have bike club is today. We had music and we are in west Africa.

By: Becca and Skylar!!!!

Tuesday 21 April 2015


Today team 18 worked on our scripts for Frostbite hotel. Team 18 did global warming today. Tomorrow is lights off Canada! Today we had journal writing in the morning. We had 2 rounds of daily 5. There is no school on Friday. Bike club tomorrow make sure to bring your bike!

Bike Club

Is on for tomorrow!  High of only 5 but will be sunny!  Dress warm and make sure your bike is ready. Check tires and chain.  Meet in room 18 at 3:40.

Mr. Blake

Monday 20 April 2015


Today Team 18 had 2 visitors this morning. We had DI with Mrs. Orloff and Mrs. Pinkerton came and watched us do our work. Team 18 revived fractions.We had 1 round of daily 4. Team 18 took down some notes on the most important people of the fur trade. Tommorow is early dismissal. Team 18 worked on their frostbite hotel scripts. 

Friday 17 April 2015

Fun Friday

Today Team 18 went outside for their reward time.  Team 18 worked on there Frostbite Hotel scripts. Make sure you do your math sheets this weekend. Team 18 had one round of daily 5

By: Team 18 and Ari

Thursday 16 April 2015


Today team 18 learned about the Fur Trade. Today we had our first outdoor gym!! Team 18 had two rounds of daily 4. We also did adding fractions. Team 18 worked on there scripts for Frostbite Hotel. 

By: Team 18 and Ari 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Wednesdays thoughts

Today Bike Club will be going to assinaboine  park pick up is at 4:30. Today Team 18 did more in fractions. We also did Heat Island effect questions. Team 18 watched a french colour video.   Today we work more on our scripts for our Frostbite Hotel. 

Bike Club

Yes, it is very windy out.  We will be talking about safety and going on a very short ride today but Bike Club is still on.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Bike Club

Is tomorrow! Bring your bike to school and your helmet!  Review with your parents what the pick up plan is at 4:30.  I am looking forward to our first ride!

Mr. Blake

Think of Tuesday

Today Team 18 watched a video on the urban heat island effect.  Team 18 did more in fractions. Bike club and art club are tomorrow.  

Monday 13 April 2015

Grade 4's

I know some people in grade 4 are feeling left out of Bike Club.  Sorry, we can only take so many kids safely.  Grade 4's you will be able to sign up for Bike Club in September!  Practice up! Ride everyday!

Mr. Blake

Mondays thoughts

Today, Team 18 had a heat island effect  experiment and got to go outside and compare  items to see what was hot and what was cold. We  learn that people made items are warmer. Team 18 added on to there Frost bite hotel scrips. We also   made a new goal. Don't forget that bike club is on Wendesday for grade 5.  stretch club is tomorrow.

By Team 18 and Ari

Friday 10 April 2015

Finally Friday

Next week the grade 5's will have their first Bike Club on Wednesday from 3:50 to 4:30.  Homework is to go outside and observe the weather, when is it cooler? when is it warmer?  Have a great safe weekend!

Mr. Blake

Thursday 9 April 2015

Thursdays thoughts

We talked about weather and climate. Team 18 had two rounds of daily 5. We also did our Morning Routine. We did a math problem called all right back to Mexico. bike club starting soon bring your forms.

Jorja and Connor S.

Congratulation to.........

Aridine, Madison and Jorja who all were rewarded a Silver Medal in yesterdays Divisional Science Fair!

Their hard work paid off and they had fun! I even learned from their interesting projects!

Good job ladies!

-Mr. Blake

Wednesday 8 April 2015


Today we had some math. We also went to a play by MTYP. it was pink shirt day. Room 18 finished Frostbite Hotel! We had daily 5. we had gym.

Monday 6 April 2015


Today we watched a video on weather and climate. Team 18 talked about our spring break. We had 1 round of daily 2. Room 18 had music and library.

Connor S. and Jorja