Friday 28 November 2014

Freaky Friday

Today we did our math project. Remember to bring in supplies for our first communities project. We had two rounds of daily 5. Today we also cleaned out or desk. We also had reward time!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Awesome thursday

Today room 18 started our french months and days of the week! We made a showbie account. We got new binders for our published writing! We did two rounds of daily 5. Bring back your parent teacher conference forms and folder with note in it. If you haven't brought your caddologes in bring them in.Today we learnt fractions for the first time!

written by: room 18 and becca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Report Cards

Are in your child's communication folder along with some other information.  The brown folder has to be returned to the school.  The folder will be used again for the next report cards. Everyone has had clear instructions not to open report card until with a parent/guardian.

Mr. Blake

Wednesday's Wisdom

Today room 18 started our shopping projects.We found out our groups for our social studies project.Today we also got our report cards only guardians should open them!Yesterday we got 3 benbag chairs!We started to do tumble books in daily 5.We started to play a fun math game called bacon!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Self Portraits

Tuesday's Thoughts

Today we started to use the iPads for daily five.We started our big question project! We learned new ways to add. Reminder bring flyers and catalogues for tomorrows math lesson. 

Written by: room 18 and Becca!

Monday 24 November 2014

Monday's Thoughts

For Wednesday's Math project, please bring your favourite catalogues and flyers.  Each student will need their own.  Today we tried to finished our self portraits and we had one round of daily 5. Room 18 played the ''Bacon'' game. The Bacon game is actually a math game. We talked about our french calendar project. Library tomorrow bring your books.

Thursday 20 November 2014


Today room 18 did our survival guide presentations and started Hatchet the movie. We also compared the movie to the book. Yesterday Mr.Blake was not here so we reviewed yesterday with Mr.Blake

Written by Connor.S

Tuesday 18 November 2014


Today room 18 did a survey on the iPads. Survival guides are being presented on Thursday morning if you finish you will get to watch the movie.You can bring your own snacks.We had 3 rounds of daily 5.

written by Connor.S

Monday 17 November 2014

Thursday 13 November 2014

Daily Thoughts

Today we worked hard on our Self Portraits right to the end of the day so kids did not have time to update the blog. Pictures of their art will be up on the blog to see soon!  Survival Guides for 'Hatchet' will be due Monday, perhaps Tuesday if everyone works hard during class and needs the time.

Written by:  Mr. Blake

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Team 18's awesome day

Today we practiced daily 5. This afternoon wed worked on our survival guides. This morning we presented french conversations. Our goal this week is to listen work hard and respect everyone. Survival guides are due next monday.

by Connor.S and Team 18

Friday 7 November 2014

Yay Long Weekend for Students!

No school on Monday or Tuesday.  We had some Reward Time today. This afternoon we almost finished our "Falling into Space Self Portraits".  This morning we had a very nice Remembrance Day service.  It was raining so it was inside lunch and recess.  The "Survival Guides" to the story Hatchet are due on Friday next week.   Have a great weekend everyone!

Mr. Blake

Thursday 6 November 2014

The amazing day of Team 18

Bring hats mits and scarfs because some kids in 
the St. James area do not have those things. Please bring them in by Nov.24. All sizes are needed. Thank you for helping the kids. The survival guide will be due next Friday.  Choir kids wear dark bottoms and a white top tomorrow.  Today we all shared our Journal Writing with the class. 

Written by: Team 18

Connor's Writing gr. 5

Connor's Writing gr. 4

My Friend Liam!

I have a lot of friend but this one is at the top!  Liam is my best friend! If I get a better friend I will very surprised and happy!  I knew Liam since I was 4! I met him after dropping my brother off at school we asked each others name, and played with each other! If you live in Winnipeg and don't have a best friend pick Liam!

Written by: Connor

Nolan's Writing

I am very lucky to have a true freind.  When I fall down he will help me up, because he is nice and respect fall. He is always there for me.  If I am sad or embarrassed he will cheer me up in any way, like you can do it. Me and my friend do almost everything together like Hockey.  I couldn't have a better friend alive.

Written by: Nolan

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Team 18's day

Today Team 18 had two rounds of daily 4. 
Team 18 did a subtraction review. Today Team 18
made a poppy wreath. Tomorrow we will be presenting our journal writing. If you do not have your food detective project by friday you will not get a good grade.

by Aridine,Charlea,Danielle and Team 18

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Team 18 fantastic day

Team 18 worked on there self portraits of us falling in to space. Today Team 18 had D.I with Mrs.Orloff!!! We had mental math. Today We only 
had one period of daily 4.

written by Ari Charlea Maddy and Team 18 

Monday 3 November 2014

Team18 had a guest to teach us about the tacking circle stick.Today we presented our project. We shared about our weekends.New seading plans.
We stared using our iPads.

written by char lea and Team 18